If you have reached this blog article it is because you know all the virtues of WordPress, how great this CMS is for SEO and for managing e-commerce with plugins like Woocommerce. However, one of the most time-consuming and annoying jobs is to upload a gigantic list of products with all the necessary information and then configure it.
But what if we told you that you can import a list of products to this plugin? In case you are interested in knowing a plugin called wp-all-import-pro, stay tuned to read this article.
Steps to import from woocommerce
When we want to upload some new items to the website or we want to move from CMS, but there are many entries and it would take days to do them, here comes into action the option to "import" woocommerce. If you want to use this functionality, you must do the following:
The file to be imported must be in .CSV format, which can be worked initially from an excel sheet or google Sheets, and then transformed.
- The first row contains the attributes of each product, and the second row contains the description of the first product. Be careful, there can only be one product per row.
- The following parameters or attributes have to be in the .CSV file:
- id
- type
- sku
- name
- status
- featured
- catalog_visibility
- short-description
- description
- date_on_sale_from
- date_on_sale_to
- tax_status
- tax_class
- stock_status
- manage_stock / stock_quantity
- low_stock_amount
- backorders
- sold_individually
- weight
- length
- width
- height
- reviews_allowed
- purchase_note
- sale_price
- regular_price
- category_ids
- tag-ids
- shipping_class_id
- image_id / gallery_image_ids
- download_limit
- download_expiry
- parent_id
- children
- upsell_ids
- cross_sell_ids
- product_url
- buttom_text
- menu_order
- attributes
- attributes
- default_attributes
- attributes
- attributes
- downloads
After you finish the excel file, you must convert the file to .CSV from the save options in Excel and it must be in UTF-8 format.
- You select the "products" option in the control panel, then "select file" option, assign a CSV field and adjust the settings, finally, run the importer.
In the case of updating products, you just have to select an option that says "update existing products" in the window that popped up to import products.
What are the advantages of doing this whole process? You will only have to do it once, and every update you need to make to the product list, you will only have to do it in general and you will always have your website up to date in terms of stock and products.
Steps to import from Wp All Import Pro
This plugin is the best of all when it comes to importing or exporting posts, pages, taxonomies, user, orders, coupons, products, and other customizations. Additionally, its great compatibility with XML, Google Docs, CSV and Excel files makes it a great plugin for woocommerce and the rest of the utilities installed in WordPress.
The steps you must follow to successfully import any list of products with this plugin are:
- You can use the same information you used with woocommerce to make the CSV file.
- You look for Wp Import All in the control panel and press "upload a file" which you can upload in XML. If you don't know how to convert it to XML, you can go to convertcsv.com
- Click on the WooCommerce new items and products option.
- A menu will appear where you have to drag the options on the right to the correct fields on the left provided by the plugin.
- When you are done, press continue and that's it, just wait for the import to finish.