How to write prompt for ChatGPT

How to write prompts for ChatGPT: unlocking the secret to success

Have you ever wondered how to write prompts for ChatGPT effectively? If so, you're in the right place. Throughout this article, we will guide you step-by-step on how to create prompts that really work in your web content projects and other areas of work.

Be sure to read to the end, where we'll reveal a special trick that will change the way you approach this issue. Let's get started!

What is ChatGPT?

Before we get into it, it is important to understand what ChatGPT is. ChatGPT is one of the latest versions of OpenAI's natural language generation technology. It is based on the GPT-4 model and is able to understand and generate text in a surprisingly coherent and creative way.

The importance of prompts

A prompt is an instruction or question you give ChatGPT to generate a response or related content. If you want to get optimal results when using this tool, it is crucial to know how to write prompts properly. Let's take a look at some tips for creating effective prompts.

1. Be clear and specific

Clarity and specificity are essential to get relevant answers. The more detailed and specific your prompt is, the better ChatGPT will understand what you want to achieve. For example, instead of asking "what is marketing", you can ask "what are the differences between traditional marketing and digital marketing". digital marketing?.

2. Adapt language to context

It is essential that you use language appropriate to the context in which you are working. If you are creating content for a website, it is essential that you address your audience using language that is familiar and easy for them to understand.

3. Include secondary keywords

Although the main keyword is "how to write prompts for ChatGPT", don't forget to add the keywords secondary in the text, such as "prompt for chatgpt", "prompt for chat gpt seo" and "prompt for chat gpt in English. This will help you optimise your content for search engines.

Create your own promt in seconds

Discover our new tool PromptMasterDesigned specifically to facilitate the creation of effective and focused prompts for web content, simplify your work and optimise your results!

Example of promt

Act as an SEO expert and expert in creating ChatGPT promptsI want you to write an article for my blog. technology and marketing website. Follow these guidelines:
1. Resolves the search intent of a user who wants to know. how to write prompt for ChatGPT
2. The post must have a length of 700 words.
3. The main keyword for SEO optimisations is: how to write prompt for ChatGPT
4. Secondary keywords are prompt for chatgpt, gpt seo chat prompt y prompt for gpt chat in english
5. Include a single H1 at the beginning
6. You can use as many H2s and H3s as you feel necessary to satisfy the search intent of the article, you don't need to optimise them all for keywords.
7. The article should be informational, as users are at the first level of awareness in the customer journey, away from purchasing.
8. Maximise user retention, so that they finish reading the article, use an open loop at the beginning to generate intrigue.
9. Do not add content that does not add value, do not invent data, the whole article should be useful.
10. Use direct and simple language that a 10 year old can understand.
11. The focus of the article is mainly on creating content on websites.
12. He makes it clear that this can be applied to other areas of work.

Promt creator for images

The promt creator for images is for use after creating your text in chatGPT, it's very simple, just copy and paste it into chat GPT and then use it in one of the YA image creation tools like DALL-E, dreamstudio or from midjourney, point 3 you can modify it to give it the style you need, either a realistic photograph or an illustration, or even a watercolour.

How to write prompts for ChatGPT has nothing to do with how to write prompts for an image creation AI, one trick is to ask ChatGPT to make a promt for you to use later in DALL-E, dreamstudio or from midjourney.

You can also see examples of promts for this type of platform, from Lexica the largest collection of examples of AI-generated images, each with its own promt, so you can see how it was created.

The 5 stages of the Customer Journey

Point 7 can be modified according to your needs and the type of text you are requesting from ChatGPT. GUIDE of The 5 stages of Customer Journey will help you understand this point.

How can we help you?

If you want to get there fast, walk alone. If you want to go far, walk with Costa Cx.

How can we help you?

If you want to get there fast, walk alone. If you want to go far, walk with Costa Cx.

How to apply these tips in other areas of work?

The tips we have given you for writing effective ChatGPT prompts also apply to other areas of work. For example, if you are developing a marketing campaign or creating a presentation, it is important that you communicate clearly and specifically and use language adapted to the context.

Examples of effective prompts

Let's look at some examples of prompts that follow the above guidelines:

  1. Describes the advantages and disadvantages of the SEO and PPC for a small business looking to improve its online presence.
  2. Explains how machine learning and artificial intelligence are transforming the food industry. digital marketing.
  3. Compare the main online advertising platforms and how they work can help companies to increase their sales.

The trick that will change the way you write prompts

Now that we've covered the basics, it's time to reveal that special trick we promised at the beginning. This trick is called the "inverted pyramid technique", and it will help you maximise user retention and keep the reader's attention until the end of the article.

The inverted pyramid technique

The inverted pyramid is a writing structure used to present information effectively. It consists of starting with the most important information and then breaking down the details in order of relevance. Here's how to apply this technique in your ChatGPT prompts:

  1. Begin with a general statement or question that describes the main topic.
  2. Then add details or specific questions related to the topic.
  3. Finally, provide additional information or questions that may be relevant but not crucial to the topic.

This technique will not only help you to keep the reader's attention, but will also make it easier for ChatGPT to understand and process the information.

Video on how to create SEO TEXTS for your Blog with ChatGPT


Knowing how to write ChatGPT prompts is critical to getting optimal results in your web content projects and other areas of work. Remember to be clear and specific, adapt the language to the context and use secondary keywords.

Don't forget to apply the inverted pyramid technique to maximise user retention and keep the reader's attention.

By following these tips from how to write prompt for ChatGPTWith ChatGPT, you will be able to make the most of ChatGPT and generate valuable and informative content for your audience.

Now you are ready to master the world of prompts and take your projects to the next level!

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