The importance of social media advertising

Social media advertising involves having a channel open to millions of people, people who could be potential customers. This advertising is targeted and measured to achieve these objectives. Not only having a website is not enough, you have to go further and make decisions to achieve the greatest possible success.

Social media advertising

Facts to keep in mind about advertising on Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads.

Did you know that more than 70% of businesses do not achieve interesting results on Social Media?

The vast majority of companies that advertise on these sites are social media are not getting a return on their investment.

And the question is; what do you think is the problem that everyone comments on?

Not thinking enough about their ideal customer and not worrying about whether the ad they create really makes an impact on their most potential customer.

All these questions or doubts are easy to answer, but it will depend on the sector in which you want to position yourself or stand out, then it gets a bit more complicated, as your competitors want the same to be more visible and have more sales or more customers.

Social media advertising

Nowadays you are not going to get by with just making an ad, we are facing one of the moments in which you have two options, One; Advertise on Social Networks as you should or Two; Do what everyone else does and continue being one more. Don't you think that people are already tired of seeing ads on social networks? Facebook Ads e Instagram AdsWell, let us tell you that yes, users no longer pay attention to brands, unless you comply with the following.

Social media advertising

Knowing your audience will be the most important thing, without this it is better not to advertise on Social Media. Knowing them will help you to understand and create the needs that the consumers have in order to develop exclusive promotions and achieve a high impact on them, which will result in an successful campaign.

This point is vital in order to be able to optimise your campaigns. Testing different elements of the campaign, types of objectives, segmentationscreativity, copys of the advertisementsThis will help you not to put all your money into the same advertisement and give you a better chance of success.

Facebook ads

The Facebook Pixel will set you apart from the professionals and we know it. That's why this is our starting point, the pixel is a code that is installed on your site and measures 100% the conversions and at the same time it tracks all that audience that enters the web and at the same time it has social media.