What strategy do I need to position my website on the internet?

Web Design A Coruña

There are many factors that can determine which page should be shown first to the user to perform the search and the most used strategies for the positioning of a website is the SEM and SEO, trust your Web Positioning Coruña in the best.

In this case, we are talking about SEO

We can also say Search Engine Optimisation are all the tools and strategies designed to optimise all the pages of a website so that search engines (google, yahoo, bing) can easily read them and position them in the first results (SERP) for certain keywords to gain visibility to the public.

Having a website for a business does not guarantee that it will get many views and be useful, rather, it could be a considerable expense with no benefits. It is important to know that a website must be accompanied by long-term search engine optimisation strategies such as SEO and digital marketing.

SEO is not easy

It is not as easy as many people say, even though there is on page and off page SEO, due to the combination of tools, techniques and factors involved. However, one of the main factors on which any positioning is based on is the study of keywords (Keywords), and this is where many companies fail when creating their strategies to improve SEO.

SEO is directly related to the optimisation of all the pages of a website. websiteThe SEO is a type of SEO, with the image of the company and links from other websites to it (backlinks). As mentioned above, SEO can be separated into SEO on page and SEO on page. SEO off page. Do you notice when they are ads and when they are not? I'm sure you do, ads are usually the 2 or 3 options that you see first in the search engine. These can be differentiated by a small text that says "ad".

On page SEO

It focuses on all the technical details of the website, how the search engine sees it, the internal structure of the site, the information provided by the images, the tags, the rankings, the semantics of the website, titles, subtitles, and we could go on for hours. This type of SEO is the one that carries much more weight when it comes to positioning a website organically and without paid advertising campaigns (SEM).

Off page SEO

On the other hand, off page SEO focuses on all aspects that are outside the website, and that could affect or help the positioning in the search engine results (SERPs). Some of the factors that are inherent to off page SEO can be the quality and quantity of links pointing to the website or its internal structure (link building and internal linking) and the Page Rank score.

Which positioning is better, SEO or SEM?

It's not a simple answer, it all depends on your short and long term goals, investment budget, knowledge about SEO and SEM, or what are the best strategies to achieve your goals. digital marketing that are planned. However, any of these types of positioning will yield positive results if they are done correctly.

SEO is the best option for all websites from the very beginning, because despite investing in SEM and any type of advertising platform, one day it will be necessary to apply on page and off page SEO to always stay in the top positions for free. Moreover, complementing SEM with SEO allows you to lower your investment progressively.

The greatest virtue of SEO is the number of indicators that allow the website owner to measure the current status of all the factors that affect SEO, some of these factors can be CTR, CPC, CPA, traffic, session duration per visit, number of Dofollow and Nofollow links, traffic from own keywords, traffic origin, etc...

SEO metrics from various points of view

Because there are many measurement factors, there are also many tools to measure these factors such as:
Google Analytics, Woorank, SEOLYZE, SEMrush, SEO Quake, MOZ, Ahrefs, Keywords everywhere, Google Adwords,

  • Google Analytics
  • Woorank
  • SEMrush
  • SEO Quake
  • MOZ
  • Ahrefs
  • Keywords everywhere
  • Google Adwords

and hundreds of other tools. The best part of it all is that you can choose the tool that best suits your needs...

Between SEM and SEO, the SEO is the type of positioning The most economical, because all strategies are based on optimising the website itself, and looking for ways to get backlinks from sites with credibility and good pagerank in the search engine. However, this type of positioning is one of the most time consuming, and the speed of positioning will depend on all the strategies and the chosen niche.

Unlike SEM, SEO offers results that are not dependent on how much you pay the search engine to rank the website, but rather, on the effort to optimise the website and the maintenance of the website to maintain or improve the position on the internet. On the other hand, SEM offers almost instant results but depends on the amount of money you can invest to maintain the positioning.

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we will tell you the SEO status of your website

Web positioning Coruña.

    This service is free and without obligation, we may only ask you to upload a .html file to your Hosting/Server so that our bot has permission to crawl your website better, but it is not important, it is just to make the report as complete as possible.

    What is the objective of positioning?

    The goal is to get traffic to your website that is related to potential customers, it is not the same to have many visits than to have the right views of future buyers or future customers.

    What does positioning achieve?

    Achieve the audacity that will bring you sales by making sure you are found in the most concrete way possible, i.e. that you are found by keywords related to your potential customer's intention.