What is User Experience?

Just because something looks good, does not mean it works well. With this in mind, there are many websites with excellent web design, with lots of images, buttons, usability, and other tools, but they do not really provide a pleasant user experience when browsing this website.

Do you have a website with few visitors or a lot of reviews? Don't worry, because here we will talk about user experience, and what you should take into account to provide an excellent experience for your visitors.

What is User Experience?

User Experience (UX) can be defined as the amount of satisfaction a user has gained from using a product or serviceas well as all those improvements made to a product, service or system to provide greater user satisfaction..

If we transmit this to a websiteThe user experience is of vital importance because if the visitor is not happy, this could lead to few visits and bad reviews of the site. But to prevent this from happening, you have to think like the user and optimise the website so that everyone can be comfortable.

What is User Experience?

How to improve the User Experience of my website?

Let's take this example, an e-commerce without a good user experience will not get visits, sales will go down, there will be no profit and it could go bankrupt just by ignoring the UX. There are too many ways to improve user experience, but we will discuss the main factors that need to be improved:


Never complicate things that can be easy. The average user doesn't like the idea of having to decipher the structure of a website to get the content you want. The information offered by the website may be relevant, but not to the user who is searching for specific information and wants to satisfy his or her information need.

This is why it is advisable to make the hierarchical structure simple, complete and easy to understand in order to offer more of what the user asks for, without compromising their comfort on the website.


Here the web design plays a very important role in the user experience, because it is necessary to achieve an optimal balance so as not to bore or stress the user. Remember that aesthetics is very important in a website, but it is even more important a web design simple that can help the user find what they are looking for more quickly.

We recommend that the design be congruent with the orientation of the page, i.e. from top to bottom, that there are no disruptive breaks, and that the transition of content is consistent.


In addition to being easy to use, the website must also be easy to read and understand. If the information offered is too technical, difficult to read and not very scannable, users will not return to the website to look for further references. On the other hand, if it is written in short paragraphs, precisely, without technical words and with examples, the user experience will improve considerably.

Loading speed

A website that does not load equals a website that does not exist for the user. Nowadays the internet has reached incredible speeds, so people surfing the internet expect websites to load fast enough so they don't have to wait. If the web design is bad, overloaded with heavy images, heavy effects, is on an inefficient server, is not responsive and more details without optimising, users will not be able to enter even the home page and will lose visits considerably.


If it is compatible with any technology, there will be no barriers for visitors. Today any mobile device, video game console, smart watches, televisions, and computers have access to search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo), i.e. there are hundreds of ways to access a website.

However, the web design must be adaptable for any of these devices, because this allows to generate more traffic, more sales and more reputation; not to mention that it offers the best user experience of all. Additionally, it should never be forgotten that the website should be compatible with all possible browsers.

You may ask yourself, how can I achieve all this? The first step is to have your website designed with WordPress, the best content management system (CMS) on the market, and then consult with specialists in the field for advice, or SEO services.