Which WordPress Themes and plugins to use?

Many shops or companies want to venture into the world of websites to give greater visibility to their products, better customer service and offer more services; however not everyone knows the benefits offered by WordPress, its themes and plugins or features. 

If you have already bought a domain, rented a hosting, installed WordPress, but you don't know which theme and plugins to use, you are in the right place to clear all your doubts. If you don't know what WordPress is, you might be interested in this article: What is WordPress and how to protect it?.

What is a Theme?

To recommend CMS topics, we must start with the theory and the basics to know what we are talking about. According to WordPress.org a theme is "a way of giving your site a look and feel", which means that each theme can have a different visual design, but this does not mean that it is only graphical. Additionally, a theme can change the font and font sizes, the graphical layout of the content, layout, logo placement, etc. 

What is a Plugin?

Bearing in mind that a theme is the visual and graphic part of a webPlugins are the "applications" that give life and functionality to the website and make life much easier for the web designer who is in charge of managing the website. Most plugins are programmed in the languages PHP, JavaScript (JS), HTML and Python.

There is an infinity of free and paid plugins and each one can have a different objective. As we said before, there are plugins like Akismet that take care of spam in comments on a blog and filter them; as well as plugins like WooCommerce, which is excellent for creating online shops and give more dynamism to the web. 

Which theme and plugin to choose?

Now that we know the theory, we can start with what really matters. Choosing a theme or plugin is not as easy as it seems, but don't forget how to protect your wordpressBecause depending on the main purpose of the website, you will have to make different combinations of plugins and themes. This is why you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of the website? There are special themes and plugins for e-commerce, social mediablogs, blogs, download sites, news, etc. If you are not clear about the purpose, you will not be able to make a website work properly. 
  • What is the budget? While we know that there are millions of free plugins and themes out there, we also have to take into account that they are quite limited and most of them do not offer user support. It is always advisable to look for paid options, with good support, good price, good plugins, and make sure they are reliable. 
  • What are the reviews of the theme or plugin? It is not advisable to be guided by advertisements, because if it is a free template it may not matter much if it is bad, but if it is paid, you will lose money and valuable time. 
  • Is the theme SEO friendly? SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is vital for any business. websitebecause this influences how many views you will get and how fast the user will find your website. 

So which one should I choose? Ideally, you should ask the above questions before ordering a theme or plugin, and you can make your own choice based on your criteria. If you still can't decide, we recommend that you always consult an SEO expert and web design to find out which products are suitable for your website.